Johann and Bettina Nachtigall. Married since March 2018 and parents of a son since December 2022.
Our life goal is to get to know Christ and thus make our identity in Christ more and more visible. Our lives and the decisions we make should reflect who we are in Christ. We want to obey His voice without compromise and practice hearing His voice and eating His Word in the loudness of this time to renew our senses.
This is how we ended up in Woodland Park in Colorado, USA. Here we experience a time of preparation and sit at the feet of Jesus so that the living Word can reveal itself to us through the Holy Spirit and bring transformation. The Word of the goodness of God, His greatness, His nature, His unconditional love, grace and incomprehensible forgiveness that has called us out, justified and glorified us, empowering us to live a life of freedom and sanctification and to live out the calling we have received.
On this blog, we give you an insight into this chapter of our lives. We are always happy to hear from you personally.