From the bottom of our hearts! And if the start of the new year hasn't felt particularly spectacular for you and you perhaps don't have any great expectations for the new year, then we have something for you.
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 ESV
Hope and expectation
What are you hoping for? What do you expect? Can't you see much to hope for? Do you not have great expectations? If you believe in the God who created the worlds through his word, then you believe in the God with whom all things are possible. (Lk. 1:37) Nothing is too big for him, nothing is too small. Mk. 9:23 (NIV) “If you can?” said Jesus. Everything is possible for one who believes. A word study of the word everything reveals that everything actually means everything. 😉 And faith is basically trust. Trust that God will keep what he has promised. Let hope be awakened in you and go into this year with the expectation that God wants to show himself in your life and that he will show himself magnificently if you let him.
All the best
Johann and Betty