In last Sunday's service we had a guest speaker. Dr. Jerry Williamson is the president of Go To Nations. An organization that equips both sent-ones and senders to spread the good news to the ends of the earth.
Mission isn't optional! God loved the world so much that he - gave... He gave everything. To reconcile us with Himself and to turn hopelessness into hope. We have this message and the privilege, as well as the command, to tell everybody about it.
In April, I am able to be part of a mission team and will be going to Wyoming, USA. We are being sent as a team so that the Holy Spirit can reach the people. And I am so excited to see what God will do through us. Every missions outreach includes those who are sent out and those who send. Our team of sent out ones is already complete 😉 But we do need senders. Partners who sow finances and thus also become a part of this outreach. If you would like to send me out financially, you can do so using this link. If you have any questions or difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact me.
You can be sure that your financial seed will also produce a harvest. (2 Cor. 9:6)
Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing a bit more about our outreach. It's still quite a while until April and I will keep you updated with any news. Until then, my focus continues to be on experiencing more of God's love and being changed by His Spirit.
God bless you! Betty
P.s.: If you would like to support other members of my team, please contact me and I will send you the right links!