General and to the testimonial
Dear friends,
Thank you for the feedback that has reached us in the last few days about Johann's testimonial. The baptism of the Spirit is a topic that generates interest and discussion, even controversy and a few questions. We realize that people with many different backgrounds of faith read our blog. Also, we all stand at different points regarding faith and the knowledge of God.
We are not on dopamine, running from one miracle, experience or adrenaline rush to the next. These are all things that may give some "fulfillment" for a short time, but are not our focus and what we are reaching for. Our identity is in Christ, or if you rephrase it as man, that identity is in the born-again spirit, which is also called "Christ in us." We define our relationship with God not based on feelings, emotions or experiences, but on our identity and intimate relationship with Him. As described in the testimonial, God has revealed Himself to us in a way like never before. It is not that we have been seeking or praying for this experience either. We don't focus on external influences or manifestations. But when these things happen, glory to God that we can be there and witness them!
Furthermore, we are very aware of the limitations of our blog. We don't have the space (and also not the assignment) to publish our insights in extensive teachings or to write as detailed as in a book. Our intention is, as already described on our front page, to let you participate in this stage of life, to make God great and to give a little insight into the things God reveals to us. You will also find our motivation described in the section "This is us".
We don't wish to convince or condemn anyone to the contrary of their insight here. If you get something out of our blog and it blesses you: Praise the Lord! We are very happy to personally answer your questions and thank you for approaching us with openness and goodwill.
Our foundation is and remains Christ and His finished work on the cross. As long as we agree on that, we have no trouble disagreeing on other matters. We love you and bless you with 2. Cor. 13:14: «The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.»
Love Greetings
Betty und Johann