What's on our minds...
We've previously shared a bit about what our daily life looks like between MO-FR. We organize the weekends so that we have as much time as possible as a family. We always act very spontaneously here. On Sundays, we often head into downtown Colorado Springs after church. We walk around the park, drink coffee, enjoy the weather and look for people to bless. Most of the time, we make time for the homeless people. Depending on the person's condition, we have short or longer conversations and, if necessary, we always have something to drink with us or hand out food. We may tell you more about this in another blog post.
Update #Loveyourneighbour
Little by little, we are getting to know the neighbors in our area. And there are actually quite a few of them. 😊 Some of them have roots in Germany or have been there before, which led to longer conversations. The first family came to visit us. A young family with three children. We had such a good time with them that we are already planning our next meeting. They offered to help us whenever we had questions or needed anything. Betty now joins the wife for a dinner and craft night that her mother is organizing. We pray that doors will also be opened to the other neighbors. Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA at the end of November and Johann has a one week school vacation during this time. We would like to bring a little joy to our neighbors and are in the process of working something out.
Thankful or anxious?
Thankfulness is often forgotten in our lives. Especially in recent days, weeks, months and years, where the world feels like it is falling apart at the seams and negative headlines flood the news, we quickly forget to be grateful and lose ourselves in worry. The Bible repeatedly calls us not to worry. Phil. 4:6 - "Be careful for nothing..." 1 Pet. 5:7 - "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." And when it says: "Be careful for nothing", then it actually means, be careful for nothing! In the parable of the sower, Jesus draws our attention to the fact that (Mk. 4:19) the cares of this world... choke the word and it becometh unfruitful. And in Luke 12:26 he asks us why we worry about anything at all if we can't even do the smallest thing. To follow the "worries" means to be devoured by the devil in the end (to drink down, that is, gulp entire - devour, drown, swallow (up): Strong Dictionary)! (See also the context of 1 Peter 5:7.) This is not a state we wish to be in personally. We don't want to waste our time meditating negatively (meaning: thinking negatively), which also means spending intimate time with the devil or explaining to God what is bothering us during 80% of our prayer. This only makes our worries big and strong, so that they build up strongholds in us and God becomes very small in the situation, which results in unbelief. Instead, we throw our worries on Christ by telling them how great God is and what Christ has done for us. We focus on the finished work on the cross, worship God, magnify HIM and remember who we are in Christ. As a result, worries become very small, lose their power, strongholds are torn down and disappear. Our prayer time has turned into a time to thank God and remember what Christ has done for us. We are not saying that we do not bring our problems or worries to God in prayer. The "sandwich method" helps us by first thanking/praising/worshipping God, then mentioning the problem and then thanking/praising/worshipping God again. We can confirm from our own lives what a big difference it makes when 90% of our prayer magnifies God.
We have every reason to be thankful, don't we?
...God has given us everything through Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:32)
...he has brought us out of darkness into light (Col. 1:13)
...he has taken all curses upon himself (Gal. 3:13)
...he has cleansed us from all sin and justified us (1 Cor. 6:11)
...given us a new identity (Eph. 4:24) and eternal life (John 3:16)
...we are his sons and daughters (2 Cor. 6:18) and no longer children of wrath (Eph. 2:3)
...over 3000 promises written down, which still apply TODAY (Gal. 3:29)
...his Spirit as a deposit (2 Cor. 1:22) and thus the fruit of the Spirit, which also includes joy at all times (Gal. 5:22)
...and there are so many more scriptures than the few listed.
Thankfulness will change your mindset and focus!
Jesus is waiting for you!
If you don't know Christ yet, then we can tell you that he is waiting for you with open arms! He laid down his life just for you! He wants to make your past forgotten, bless you and give you back what has been stolen from you over the years. If you desire this, accept his offer - eternal life ( knowing God = intimate relationship). You can pray the prayer below and receive your salvation by faith through God's grace. God hears you, forgives your sins and gives you a new heart and his Spirit. This is a promise that he has given!
Prayer: "Jesus, I need your help and forgiveness. I desire to start a new life with you as my Savior and Lord. Show me how I can live this new life that you have promised me. Through faith in your word, I now receive salvation. Thank you for hearing me and answering my prayer. Amen."
The moment you commit your life to Jesus Christ, the truth of His Word immediately takes effect in your spirit. Now that you are born again, you have a new identity.