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- We're gone then
Intense weeks are behind us. And so much has changed in just one week. Before leaving Over the past 10 months, we have repeatedly battled with the problem with our car's cooling system together with several mechanics. We regularly lose several liters of coolant. Just a few days before our big trip to Minnesota, the leaks were getting bigger and bigger and the pressure in the cooling system was immense. We looked at our options with a mechanic and then tried to sell the car - which unfortunately didn't work. So we agreed to a major repair and had various seals replaced. With no 100% guarantee that the problems would be fixed, we set off on the long journey of 1,600 km. Five weeks ago we filed our papers for the summer visa. We are still waiting for the answer. The week before we left, we casually cut down a tree in the back yard. During the journey Sometimes our car feels like a ticking time bomb. How much longer will it drive us? After about 500 km, we stopped to get gas. When Johann came out of the gas station after paying, he almost stopped in shock. There was a large puddle under our car and you could see it dripping heavily onto the ground close to the engine. His first thoughts were: “ Well, that's it. Over and out.” Would our journey really end here? We opened the hood and the coolant had dropped by more than half. When Johann looked for the leak, he discovered that the escaping liquid was not coolant, but “clear” water. It was condensation that had drained from the car's air conditioning system. Thank God, we were able to continue driving. We had already decided in advance to split the trip into several days. As Elijah took the drive really well, we were able to cover the long distance in two days. Arriving in Minnesota A few weeks before leaving, we were informed that we would not have our own apartment for various reasons. We would be living with the founder and pastor Jon and his family during the internship. Living together is as exciting as that sounds. Just imagine letting a family with a small child, who you don't really know and who also come from a different culture, live in your house for three months 😉 And living in the same house means we use the same living room, kitchen, bathroom etc. with Pastor Jon and his wife. We live together like a family 24/7 for the next three months. If you've ever wondered what a pastor does in his spare time? Ask us, we can tell you. 😄😉 The day after we arrived, it was Pastor Jon's birthday. We only knew that some guests were coming in the evening and that we were invited. In the morning, Debbie told us that it was Jon's birthday party and that her children were coming for dinner. So we were naturally integrated into family life. We had a lot of fun that evening. It felt like we had always been part of the community. We have to say that it was also made very easy for us. Our internship officially starts on Monday, June 3, 2024, but Pastor Jon already offered Johann the chance to experience his everyday life this week. Johann did not want to miss out on this offer. As a result, we were fully involved in the goings-on just one day after our arrival. Over the next few weeks, we will tell you more about the different areas and share our experiences with you. So much has already happened that we will probably be posting here more often. We are really looking forward to the next time. We are grateful to Pastor Jon and his wife Debbie, who are making it very easy for us to settle in. The problem with our car had already made the rounds here and people have offered to support us there. All the stress about the difficulties of the last few weeks has been wiped away. God is faithful and good! For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. 2.Cor 1,20 – ESV P.s.: The small teaser that we announced in the last post has developed into a fairly large blog post. That's why we've decided to upload it at a later date.
- The best is yet to come
How can we summarize the last 10 months? GOD IS FAITHFUL! We haven't been able to share quite everything with you in our blog. There have simply been far too many things happening. A diary would surely have helped here.😄 The last few weeks have been super intense. In addition to the excitement of Johann's graduation, we are once again coming out of a major storm. What do you do when everything around you is raining, storming and shaking? Right, hold on to God's promises and value His Word more than the circumstances around you. This is easy to say or write and preach from the pulpit, but when you find yourself in the situation, it shows what you are made of. Small teaser - more on this in the next blog. On May 11, 2024, Johann celebrated his official graduation from Charis Bible College together with 420 other students. A bittersweet feeling for him. On one hand, we celebrate what God has done in the last year and how he has brought us through. New friendships have been formed and we have had a great time together. On the other hand, we won't see many of these new friends next year. Nevertheless, we are happy for the people who are pursuing God's calling in whatever place God will use them. Betty is finishing her first year this week and is already looking forward to the next school year. We would like to thank everyone who has joined us as a prayer and/or financial partner for this time. Without you, it would not be possible to make this journey this far and continue on. Thank you for listening to God's call and opening your hearts to us. You may not yet see the fruit of what God has called us to do, but already we have seen and experienced how people are being changed by the Word, where you will have your part in eternity. You will soon be able to read more about this on our website. Another teaser - we will be making a few small but significant changes to our website over the summer.😉 On Instagram, we asked what you would be curious about after 10 months in the USA. Here are our answers: What was the most profound new revelation you received? Betty: «I have learned so much this year that has yet to become a revelation. Head knowledge is not the same as revelation. And only revelation changes us in our innermost being. That's definitely something I've also learned this year. What has become most important to me is that it all comes back to my relationship with the triune God. Growing in intimacy with Him, getting to know His true nature, understanding the work of Christ more and giving the Holy Spirit more and more room to work in me and through me. In every problem I encounter, I must return to the finished work of Christ. There I will find the solution. And then I can truly live as an overcomer.» Johann: «Don't judge your day by the harvest you reap, but by the seed you sow” (Robert Louis Stevenson). Everything has a beginning; a seed that has a source. The nature of the seed determines the nature of the harvest. New beginnings happen every day. They begin as seeds that carry the future. Thus a heart is founded or confused in what it is nourished by and in this it will also flourish. Especially in relation to what we say, this has become one of the most important realizations for me. Whenever I speak to someone, I am sowing seeds in their life. I can bless or curse a person. That seed will sprout in that person's life sooner or later, unless that person rejects it or the devil steals the good seed. Of course, this principle is more complex than I have briefly mentioned here.» How was Bible school with a child? How did you practically manage it? It was important for us to spend a lot of time with Elijah during his baby years in order to give him the bond and security he needs. We were able to do this because only Johann went to college and Betty did her first year of study online. Betty spent the mornings with Elijah and when Johann came home at lunchtime, he would look after Elijah and Betty could watch her lessons. We needed discipline and grace 😉 It worked more or less well at times. As we know, with a growing baby you are always faced with changes and sometimes sleepless nights. Some afternoons we were just so tired that nothing productive was possible because we had to catch up on sleep. And on others, we built ourselves up and pulled through. And there wasn't always much time to study or read in the evening. But we are also extremely grateful for Kim, our house mom. She kept offering to look after Elijah so that we could go on a date, giving us a short break as a couple almost every week. Bible college with a baby is definitely doable. However, it doesn't look the same as it would without a family and it's important to adjust expectations accordingly or determine what the priorities are. Next year we will both go to school and Elijah will spend the mornings with a babysitter. We are so grateful for this great solution. She is a former Charis student and has children of her own. This also means that it is important to us that Elijah gets our attention in the afternoons. We're not big planners, but we'll probably split the afternoons up a bit so that everyone can still find some time to study and we can also invest in fellowship with other students. What were your biggest challenges? Finances. It was in this area that we were attacked the most over the last school year. Many unexpected situations and expenses have arisen and will continue to arise. We have noticed that we need more revelation in this area in particular. Unfortunately, this is not really talked about in most churches. So most Christians don't have a biblical understanding of it. And yet the Bible doesn't talk very little about this topic... But God has never let us down and provided for us. Just as he will do next year.😊 How did you experience shared living during this time? It has expanded our comfort zone. Living together means respecting the needs of others, putting yourself back, at times doing something you don't feel like doing and, most importantly, being flexible. It means learning to consider others more highly than ourselves, to love when we want to do the opposite and to be peacemakers. We have sometimes done this more, sometimes less well. Although we are all united in Christ, everyone brings their own culture, upbringing, habits and trigger points with them. 😉 There are days when couples go through difficult times, and you realize that pretty quickly and have to protect yourself from the impact. Open communication is just so important for living together and to always be aware that we have grace from God, for us personally and also to pass this on to the people around us. "The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it." - 1.Th 5:24 NIV
- News from the lawyer
As already mentioned in the last blog, we contacted a lawyer as there were many contradictory statements regarding the regulations of our visa. The RVFM Ministry connected us with a lawyer who specializes in this specific area. The USA is generally known for its precise and fairly complex VISA and residence statuses. One topic that has been on our agenda for several months is employment. We had already shared that it would be great if Johann could work. After several phone calls and e-mail correspondence, Switzerland gave us the go-ahead for a remote working arrangement from the USA. This would allow Johann to work remotely for two companies at the same time on an hourly or project basis. We informed the school that Johann would now be able to provide proof of the funds needed for our stay next year. Surprisingly, our coordinator told us that it is not allowed to have an income at all while studying, except through donations. Well, that was disappointing news for us. As we had other information from fellow international students, but couldn't find any clear statements online, we contacted the lawyer again to get clarification. The answer to our question came a day later. The lawyer wrote that it is indeed not permitted to have an income during the time in the USA. Therefore, working remotely is not possible. This door is now also closed for us and the matter is no longer discussed. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! - Joshua 1,9 ESV A promise that Joshua received from God after Moses died and he was to lead the Israelites. He is up against a powerful enemy who must not be underestimated. So we are also encouraged: The Lord is with us on earth by his Spirit and as our high priest in heaven. He will not “fail” us. This means that He will not fail and will never disappoint us. He will not “forsake” us. That is, He will never leave us alone. This promise is of general application to the believers in view of the daily walk and what is necessary for it: “For He Himself has said, 'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you'" (Heb 13,5). (Kingcomments) One door closes, the assignment stays the same. We remain with what God has spoken to us. Our provision for the coming year is therefore not ensured by a job. However, God has not changed over time and continues to be our provision for the coming school year. Jehovah-Jireh, "Jehovah's provision will be there". When we first came here, all doors were wide open and we landed without any problems in the US. Even when some things or obstacles get in the way now, we take a stand and stick to what God's will is for our lives. Difficulties in life are not an indicator that you have missed God's will!
- The clock is running...
In just 5 weeks, Johann will be graduating from his 2nd year at Bible College. Just like you would see in an American movie - with a graduation hat and black robe. Photos to follow. 😜👨🏻🎓Betty is also working intensely to finish her 1st year of online studies. We are following God's leading and will remain in the US for another school year. Johann will attend the Ministry track in his 3rd school year and Betty will complete her 2nd school year. For Betty this means, that a mission trip is coming up, which we will also report on. Johann will gain experience in ministry by working with other students on projects, preaching 5 to 10 sermons during the school year, and participating in evangelistic events. The program offers eight "electives," two of which Johann must choose to delve into more deeply and specifically. Courses such as church planting, project management, team building, leadership, church systems, preaching and communication etc. complete the training. In terms of our calling, these topics will certainly serve us. And again it proves to be true: Man plans his way and God directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9) If we leave the steering wheel to Him... In the last video we talked about our summer plans and that we might want to support the ministry in Wyoming (Johanns Mission Trip). Well, the day after we uploaded the video, four pastors from the RVFM-Ministry ( were visiting Charis Bible College. Johann got talking to one of the pastors and he told him about the vision of RVFM and that they offer internships in the summer. At home, Johann told Betty about it, we looked at the ministry together and were immediately attracted. The vision of the ministry, the way of living and working there was exactly what we had in mind for the summer. So Johann sent off an application and had an interview shortly afterwards, which went very well. In the following time, we started filling out our applications for the next school year. And realized that our savings were no longer sufficient - not for the minimum amount for the visa and also not to finance ourselves for the year. So we thought about how we could handle the next school year and since we had no specific word from God, Johann decided to act on the word from 2 Thess. 3:10 and try to find work in Switzerland or Germany that he could do on an hourly basis. He received a positive response from two companies in Switzerland, but bureaucratic obstacles are in the way and we have not yet made any progress. Last Wednesday evening, we came to the conclusion that it would probably be best to fly back to Germany for the summer and sort out all the necessary arrangements. Johann could work full-time for three months, Betty could possibly do something part-time and then we would fly back. Just a few minutes after our conversation, Johann received an e-mail from the RVFM: Congratulations on Your Internship with River Valley Fellowship of Ministries! Stunned! So much for our plans... God has something else in mind. And actually, we had known that before we left for the US. We came with a one-way ticket because the Spirit told us we would be spending the summer here. So we met the founder of RVFM and Pastor Jon and his wife in a Zoom meeting on Friday morning. Johann will be closely working with Pastor Jon throughout the summer. In addition to a deep insight behind the scenes of the ministry and pastoral work, preaching sermons, leading meetings, etc. will also be on the agenda. Pastor Jon told us to buckle up, because there is a lot to do. A step that will further equip us and give us some practical experience along the way. Betty will also be able to work with us to a limited extent - if the tasks allow Elijah to be there. We are so grateful to the Ministry for the open communication and for giving us this opportunity, despite the many applicants and possible obstacles around our visa. They put us in touch with a lawyer who confirmed today that we can spend the summer in the US without any problems. We see God's hand in all of this. When we met the pastor couple, they told us about another miracle: at just the right time, we will have our own apartment so that we can be on our own as a family. (Which will do us good after living in a shared house for 8 months now. 😊) A miracle, because interns are normally housed with families in the church and we get the apartment provided to us at no cost. With these events, however, we also have to put an end to the idea of spending our summer vacation in Germany. And as we had already considered the possibility, it took us a little while to be at peace about it again. 😉 Which brings us back to the financial situation. Johann will spend so much time in the ministry that there will be no time to work. In addition, there are still barriers due to residence etc. that have not yet been resolved. So we are still facing the challenge of having to show a minimum amount of money for our application in order to be able to apply for the status extension at all. Last year, we were able to prove this amount through our savings and were also generously supported by other people. We are grateful to God for opening the hearts of these people to us and are convinced that this investment in God's kingdom will come back to them manifold! The cost of living in Colorado is high. Based on experience and with some additional expenses next year, we will need about $4,000 per month. This is our place called “there” Over the last few weeks or even months, we have repeatedly asked ourselves why we are staying here despite the circumstances. The Bible school, the move to the US and serving under a ministry was and is not our idea. From a human point of view, the entire stay in the USA is way out of our comfort zone and was never part of our future plans. But this also shows us that we are on the right path and that this is exactly where we are supposed to be. God shows up big in our lives when we come to the end. We are in the right place at the right time. We already wrote about this in our blog "Welcome #01 and Àman and Tsalàch #05". The next 10-12 months will be an intense time for us. In addition to his family and studies, Johann will be working on projects, doing homework and making various preparations. Even if he were to get to work, there wouldn't be much time left each day. If you feel called and would have joy in becoming our partner for the next year (10-12 months) and planting seeds in our lives in the form of finances, please get in touch with us. We have listed below our approximate costs for the next year. God's blessing is upon you, with you and around you all. Blessings Johann + Betty with Elijah Tuition: $ 6'500 per person for the school year Rent: $ 1'500 per month Child care: approx. $ 700 per month General expenses (food, insurance, car etc.): approx. $ 1'250 per month
- From identity crises to freedom
Freedom begins with a proper understanding of who we are in Christ. We will never be able to truly live out our freedom if we do not truly recognize our identity. Anything less than a son's mentality will hinder you from living in the freedom Christ has set us free to have (Gal. 5:1). I want to quickly lay a foundation before I share my testimony. Jesus Christ won the victory on the cross that made us free to become sons. This would have been impossible without His victory. It has always been God's intention to bring us back into relationship with Him. Freedom includes not only what we have been set free from, but also what we have been set free to. Jesus did not die to whip us into a shape, control our behavior, or cause us to sin less. The main problem Jesus had to correct and solve was to remove the penalty for sin so that we can be welcomed back into the Father's family as sons. Therefore, it is important that we recognize our identity correctly in order to be free from the bondage of sin. When the Bible speaks of sons, it does not refer to a gender, but includes both sons and daughters. As the men must also identify themselves as the bride of Christ, we have a balance here and refrain from using the paraphrase "sons and daughters of God". 😉 Lk. 15:11-32 - The story of the father, the prodigal son and the older brother is a great image for the topic of identity This parable is - I think - very well known to most of you and I will not go into all the details here. This parable speaks primarily about Israelites who are in a special relationship with God, but it can also be applied to all people. I found this parable very helpful in understanding the issue around identity. In this story, we see in the younger son the depths to which he has fallen and the height and freedom to which he is brought when he repents. V. 18 - "...I have sinned against heaven and before you.." V. 19 - "…I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants." What happens in our minds when we sin? The accuser of the brethren brings guilt and condemnation that makes us feel that we are not worthy to be a son. The enemy's #1 attack is against our identity. This is also visible in the temptation of Jesus in Mat. 4:3 - "If you are the Son of God..." When the prodigal son arrived home, his father was already waiting for him and ran to meet him. The father wanted to make one thing clear: "Throughout your time of rebellion, sin and lavish living, you have never once stopped being my son!" We were either born into our family or adopted - we didn't earn or deserve our position as a son or daughter! We cannot earn our sonship or do anything to restore it. My son Elijah did not earn his sonship. He was born into our family without having done anything for it and he doesn't have to work to remain my son. The worst rebellious moment of my life did not change the fact that I continued to be part of my parents' family. It did not cause me to stop being a son of my family. So the question arises: "Once I am born into my family as a son, do I ever stop being a son?" The answer to this question is a key to my freedom and yours. The elder son embodies the mindset and perspective of an orphan or slave. And that is what religions today want to sell us as normal. True to the saying: "Every man is the smith of his own fortune". If we work hard, we move God to do something. If I pray enough, read the Bible, go to church regularly, etc., I might get God's attention or turn his arm around and get him to do something. Maybe if I have done enough at some point, my father will throw me a party and open the "magic box" for me, which is also called promises. I'm speaking sarcastically here, of course, but this is how I lived many years of my life as a Christian. Of course, back then I would never admit to living out the older brother mentality. But my life and my actions were screaming at me! There was a lot of head knowledge about my father that didn't help me live in freedom. Notice also that both sons are referred to as sons throughout the parable. If you look closely at the body of Christ today, you can see three different mentalities. And this statement has no ethnic, religious, racial, cultural or gender background. You can observe the mentality of an orphan, slave or son. And all of them were a part of my life. Let me explain what I mean by the three different mentalities. Orphan For the longest time of my Christian life, I lived with the mentality of an orphan. After accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior in my younger years, I didn't understand what really happened more than 13 years after the experience. For me, being born again was just a ticket out of hell. Take the ticket so you don't end up in hell, but make sure you don't lose it again by sinning! And then I "tried" to live life according to the standard of the Christian "model man" set at that time. The attempt to live up to this standard brought much disappointment, condemnation, shame, destruction, condemnation etc. into my life. I remember waking up on a Saturday morning as a teenager and it was very quiet in the house. Normally there was always something going on in our house; after all, I grew up with nine siblings. I ran through the whole house to find someone, but no one was there. There was no one in our back yard either. And then a deep fear came over me, wondering if Jesus had come back and taken all my brothers and sisters with him, but I had been left behind? In my panic, I ran down the street where I knew there were other Christians living. And when I saw someone there, I could finally breathe again. There were a few more experiences that took me further downwards in a spiral. Year after year passed and I lost sight of the meaning and purpose of life. Although today I wonder whether I had any understanding of it at all back then. I had no idea and no solution as to how I could get rid of the condemnation, disappointment and condemnation. It didn't take long for me to question whether I even belonged to the body of Christ. Whenever I opened up to someone, I was always told to repent and then sin no more. Gradually, this led to me developing the mindset that God was punishing me with damnation because I kept falling into the same sins. Joh 14,18 - "I will not leave you as orphansG3737; I will come to you." (in the person of the Holy Ghost). ESV (#G3737 ὀρφανός – orphanos: bereft (of a father, of parents); of those bereft of a teacher, guide, guardian (Thayer Definition)) COMFORTLESS, a. Without comfort; without any thing to alleviate misfortune, or distress. (Webster) Others derive it from the Hebrew חרף charaph, to strip or make bare, despoil, because such a child is destitute of comfort, direction, and support, and is a prey to misery and disease, to sin and to death. (Adam Clarke) The point I want to make here is that I had absolutely no direction and no grounding when it came to Christ and life in Christ. As long as you see yourself as an orphan, you will never walk in the freedom of a son. Slave Our move to Switzerland also meant that I had to step out of my bubble. In a new country, new culture, new environment, etc., some traditions were put to the test. The new environment helped me to let go of the orphan mentality. On the one hand, I began to let go of the orphan mentality and on the other, I unconsciously adopted the mentality of a slave. A slave identity is based on what you do for God rather than what you become for God. In the mind of a slave, his performance is the basis for his position in a family! Joh 8:35 - "The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever." ESV Lk 17:7-8 – «Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and recline at table’? Will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink’?» ESV As a slave, you have accommodation, food and sometimes even care, but no possessions or inheritance to pass on to your children. That is why they strive to find their place in the family. They know that nothing is permanent with their master. They need constant attention and recognition, mistakes could see them thrown out of the family at any moment. And this is exactly how I viewed God as my father. A clear sign of a slave mentality: they are not free! I know now that I saw myself as a slave because at the time I was constantly led by my feelings to go in and out before God. He loves me - He doesn't love me. "If I work really hard, God will love me. If I perform well, God will be pleased. If I stop working hard, God will be disappointed in me." I would have always claimed that I had the mentality of a son and that I was a child of God and not a slave. My actions, however, testified otherwise. Joh 8:36 - "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (Kontext: von der Sklavenmentalität) ESV I had never seen myself as an overcomer. I couldn't see myself from Christ's perspective because I had never understood Jesus' work on the cross. I realized that I was not living in freedom and my only solution was to work out freedom for myself because the focus was on the old man's own performance. Something to think about: God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt through Moses, but it took 40 years for them to leave the slave mentality behind. Son In addition to the Gospel, it was also the story of the prodigal son mentioned above that influenced and changed me the most. Lk. 15:22 ff - The father gave the son a robe, a ring, shoes - and his son received it. The older brother was in the field working for it - he was angry and jealous of his brother and accused his father of favoritism. His father's response: "Son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours." (In other words, you don't have to work for it). After I stepped out of Adam, I was born in Christ. And in Christ I was given the position of the son. Joh. 1:12 - "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, " ESV I don't have to earn my position as a son, God's blessings etc. through performance. I have chosen to accept what Christ has said about me. In Gal. 4:1-7 it says - If you are a son, you are loved, you are safe in the family, you are redeemed, and you are an heir. V.7 - "…and if a son, then an heir through God." (ESV) There is only one thing to do to become a son and heir today: Believe and receive! Religion will make this step as difficult and complicated as possible. Religion will never let you get to a place where you have achieved and worked enough! V. 6 - The spirit within you calls out: "You are a son and an heir, he is your father. Stop living like a slave!" No matter what you did this week, last week, last month, last year, five years ago, the offer is the same - sonship, freedom, inheritance! Every area in my life changed when I realized my true identity and accepted the position as a son. Today, there are always areas in my life where the Holy Spirit shows me that the mentality of a slave still prevails. But that doesn't make me despair. I am then simply faced with the decision of whether to follow the Spirit and allow these areas to be renewed through the truth. Joh. 8:32 - «…and the truth will set you free!» This verse is one of my favorite and core verses that I keep reminding myself of. Step by step, it transforms me and leads me further and further into the freedom I am already in!❤️🔥
- Logan's story
Logan is now also fully funded for his mission trip. 🙌 In the first blog post in the series of Johann's Mission Trip, we briefly mentioned how God placed Logan on Johann's heart. What we haven't told you yet is what happened next. Although Johann was on good terms with Logan, he had decided not to tell him about it at first. At some point, Logan told Johann that he had two jobs and was still having financial difficulties. He had sent out several letters to collect donations for his mission trip without receiving a single penny. He then went from house to house in his neighborhood and told people about his upcoming trip. However, this was not successful either. He tried a few more things until one day he came home and gave everything to God. It was at this very moment that Johann shared his details with you here on the blog. A few weeks later, Logan told Johann after the first lesson that he wanted to give up on studying. Johann quickly understood that the financial situation was not looking good. During the conversation, Logan confirmed that he had the call to come to Bible college and wanted to quit due to lack of finances. Johann and another friend prayed for him and blessed him. The next day and in the weeks that followed, people repeatedly and unnoticed dropped off bags of food at his seat during the big break or invited Logan to lunch. He also found envelopes with money at his place several times. We could see how God was and still is working through different people in Logan's life. As mentioned earlier, his mission trip is fully funded. He is still in school and will graduate in May. Logan is flying to Ecuador in a couple weeks where he will be speaking at a pastor's conference, in addition to other programs. We are excited to see what he will experience in Ecuador. Why are we sharing his story with you? We are not focused on how great we or other people are for supporting him. We want to share with you the impact of listening to God's voice and following His voice. For a long time Johann didn't know why we were supposed to support Logan, but we stepped out in faith and listened to His voice. We can't look into other people's hearts and see what's going on in their lives. Maybe it looks great on the outside, but on the inside someone is struggling with all kinds of different things. And that's why it's important that we listen to God's voice and let it guide us. It was only months after we listened to God's voice that we were able to understand why God put Logan on our hearts. God is not indifferent to His children. He looks at us as a loving Father. And here's our year so far in just a few pictures: It started with a visit from Betty's siblings. We had lots of fun together, but also spent a lot of time in long conversations. At game nights with our housemates, ice sliding at the Ice Castles and hiking in the Garden of the Gods. We have been able to explore a few hiking trails and thanks to a carrier, Elijah is also quite happy most of the time. He is fascinated by dogs - whether real or made of stone. And Johann is developing his mechanic skills. He has his own story with our car ;-) Our car is quite old and a lot of things need to be replaced. We're always happy when Johann can do it himself or the mechanic tells us that we don't necessarily need to replace certain parts. Even if it means we have to deal with the countless bumps and potholes. :-D And that's what is happening here in the next few months: We have both started the application process for the next school year and are currently finalizing and submitting the paperwork. As soon as that is done, the visa process will start. As we will both be going to school every day from August, Elijah will need a babysitter in the mornings. We are currently looking around for other living options vs. another year here in the house. Johann will have the opportunity to work on a project basis again - there are still some formalities to be clarified, as we currently have no active residence and a deactivated residence permit in Switzerland. Johann has an interview with a ministry that focuses on church planting, in which we hope to engage over the summer. We learn to truly rely on God and when we look back and realize that we have worried more instead of trusted, it is only a greater motivation for us to bring out the light the next time. 😉
- Closing story Wyoming
More than a month has passed since I went on my mission trip to Wyoming. International students are sent out within the USA and I was very excited to go with a group to the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. Our main mission as a group was to support the Foundations for Nations ministry. Through information from the ministry and people who live there, I soon realized that this mission field might be very different from many other places. In the past, churches and Christians of various denominations have tried to reach the indigenous population. In doing so, they have been forbidden to speak their own language (especially in Wyoming) and Native males have had their hair cut off. Their birth names were changed to western names etc. All this has led to a great mess and today we are reaping what was sown many years before. Many indigenous people there avoid contact with white people and even more so when people talk about Jesus. Another big challenge is that the people there do not have to work because they are paid by their tribes.Almost every house has several cars parked in the yard that are no longer in use. Broken cars are not repaired, but simply parked and a new car is bought instead. In most cases, this also applies to all other things. You can often see up to three houses on a property, of which only one is used and the others look very run down. The reservations have their own laws and rules, which often differ from those in the USA. Also, most indigenous people on the reservation do not believe in any god. Day 1: Monday, 12.11.2023 An 8-hour journey took us from Colorado to Wyoming. We arrived at the newly built church at the Wind River Reservation around 4:30 pm. This was also our accommodation for the week. After we had settled in, that evening the ministry team gave us some information about the indigenous people in the region. This helped me to target my prayers more specifically for the next few days. Day 2: Tuesday, 12.12.2023 The action started right away on day two. Outreach in Fort Washakie was on the agenda. We offered free clothes to the locals. It was very cold outside and while the people were looking through the clothes, we had the opportunity to offer them warm drinks and have conversations with them. I quickly realized that this mission field was totally different from others I had experienced in the past. On the one hand, this is due to the negative experiences of the indigenous people in the past and, on the other, because many of them don't believe in God at all. The majority here don't like talking to white people and if you start talking about Jesus, most of them are immediately defensive. As our group consisted mainly of international students, we had a certain advantage as everyone was instantly aware of our strong accents. So we were usually able to start small talk easily. And in most cases, we were then asked what brought us to Wyoming. I was therefore able to introduce our story and share my testimony. At the end of the conversation, I asked each person if I could pray for them or their family. This afternoon we went to a nursing home, where we mainly served with the Christmas story. We sang Christmas carols and did crafts with the elderly. They were very happy, as many of them never get visitors. Family members often only get in touch after a person has died to benefit from a possible inheritance. My personal goal was to bring a smile to the faces of the people there, which is not so easy. I spent a lot of the time with a man who had been living in the nursing home for about 8 years. During this time, no one had visited him except for Christian organizations that were doing an outreach at the nursing home. We had a long conversation about various things and stopped at the Christmas story. I asked him what Christmas meant to him. He gave me a longer answer and also mentioned that Jesus had come into the world. So I asked him if he knew Jesus and if Jesus was his Lord and Savior? After a short period of silence, he said: "I wouldn't say Savior and Lord. He has forgiven me and because he has forgiven me, I can forgive other people." The man knew what he was talking about... At the end he wanted me to pray for him and his children. As today was also my birthday, the group and the ministry had planned a birthday party for me in the evening.🥳 Day 3: Wednesday, 12.13.2023 On the third day, the original plan was to visit a rehab clinic for drug and alcohol addicts. However, this was canceled at short notice due to a recent outbreak of illness. So we traveled as a group to the Wind River Refuge Mission. The Wind River Refuge Mission is an organization that primarily takes in families who have no home or have been kicked out. The families can stay for up to three months and look for a new home during this time. They are provided with electricity, water and food. We put together a food package for each family for Christmas. The cost of the packages was completely covered by the donations collected for this mission trip. Again, we had time to serve the people and talk to them. They were very open and very happy. Most of the families had more than four children sleeping together in a very small space. That morning we saw one person making a decision for Christ. Party time in heaven. 😉 Afterwards, we went to the womans shelter, which is run and financed by the ministry. The last 1.5 years have been used to convert an old post office into housing. The result is really impressive. It is modern and beautifully furnished. The house can accommodate up to 24 people. The aim is to provide a safe home for women and children affected by domestic violence and primarily to live out discipleship with Christ at the center. The women are allowed to stay between 3-6 months, during which time they also have the opportunity to take part in various courses. 90-95% of all women and girls on the Wind River Reservation have been victims of sexual violence. And only 58 out of 574 tribes across the U.S. provide safe options for victims. Over 80% of people who had spent several years in rehab and then go back to everyday life fall back into the old pattern. In the evening, a youth gathering was on the program. In addition to the sermon, testimonies and a skit, we also ate together, played games and shared a lot. We were able to witness a healing (pain in the thumb disappeared immediately) and two teenagers gave their lives to the Lord. Hallelujah! A few young ones also sought agreement in prayer for healing from past traumas. We were able to minister for a long time that evening and had a lot of fun together afterwards. Day 4: Thursday, 12.14.2023 We started Thursday by decorating the church for the kids' event on Friday. That's right, decorating was also part of our ministry. 😉 We used the time to get to know the church staff better. This afternoon we had probably the most stressful event of the week. Distributing free food to those in need. Usually the first 120 people are allowed to pick up free food during one hour. As we were a larger group, all the people who managed to get into the store during this hour were allowed to take food. I have never seen such a large queue of people waiting outside in very cold temperatures, some without jackets, hours before it started. The food was completely financed by our donations. People were only allowed into the store when accompanied by us and everyone left with three plastic bags. We helped to pack the goods and were able to talk about a few different things and invite everyone to the Sunday service. Afterwards, we escorted them to the car and asked if we could pray for them. Here, too, we sometimes had longer conversations before the people left. A total of 397 people were provided with food that evening. Day 5: Friday, 12.15.2023 We spent Friday morning together with the pastor's family in a natural outdoor spa. Relaxing and sharing testimonies. Here the pastors told us how God had called them to Wyoming and that the newly built church cost about 2.2 million dollars, which was financed completely debt-free. It is a story in itself how God brought people together for this project. Many people who gave two years of their lives to help make this project a success are just a small part of the story. The biggest event of the year for the children took place in the evening. A birthday party for Jesus. Children's ministry in particular is a big part of the ministry and the church. Children on the reservation have PTSD rates as high as soldiers returning from war. This is mainly due to violence and addiction in the families. Day 6: Saturday, 12.16.2023 Today, parents with little money were allowed to choose presents for their children. All they had to do was register in advance and state the number of children. Most of the presents were also paid for from the donations. I asked most of the parents I was allowed to accompany what Christmas looked like for them. Most of the fathers told me that they were going to the casino to spend the money they had received from the tribe... In total, around 50 families with 2-14 children came to pick up presents. We spent our second to last evening in the church, where we were able to experience a powwow. Powwows are the strongest public expression of North American Indian culture. The participants proudly present their tribal affiliation and renew their selfimage as "Native Americans" at each of these events. In sociological terms, powwows are therefore far more than just Native American folk festivals. The purpose of a powwow is to strengthen the community spirit and to actively live the affiliation to a Native American culture. (Source: Wikipedia) After the ceremony, we were able to ask our questions and ate a traditional dinner together in good company. Day 7: Sunday, 12.16.2023 On Sunday morning, we were in charge of the program for the church service. Around 130 people came to the service. In addition to two powerful testimonies from people in our group (a healing from various illnesses so that she was able to get out of her wheelchair and no longer needs it today and the deliverance from drug addiction of several years), I was able to minister with the Word. Our group leader told me a month before our trip that she believed she had heard from God that I should give the sermon. During the mission trip, I learned what input I should bring. It was about the biblical definition of Christianity and what the gospel means and has achieved. We ended with an altar call and three people gave their lives to Christ. People also came forward for prayer who were or are struggling with traumatized pasts or current experiences. Surprisingly, young and older believers came up to me afterwards and told me that the sermon had brought a lot of clarity to their faith life. Hallelujah! After the service, a few more questions were answered and we spent time together over lunch. The day was concluded with a visit to the prison in the evening. This is a prison with the lowest security level. Prisoners who have spent several years in prison are here to slowly get used to normal life again over the last two years. We started with four songs, followed by a skit and a short input from Pastor Sarah Lucas with an altar call. Most of the prisoners preferred one-to-one conversations. I was asked some biblical and general questions, such as "Why did God kill my wife who was a believer?" or "Is it wrong for me to be angry with God?". I had the opportunity to respond to the questions and share the gospel. With others who were already born again, I was able to have a good conversation about the Word as we encouraged and learned from each other. My first prison visit blessed and built me up. In addition to three people being born again, we were also able to baptize three people in the Holy Spirit. A small side note about the prison visit: Very few pastors are allowed to minister and teach the Word in this prison. When the first group from Charis Bible College ministered there three years ago, so many people were transformed that the prison asked Charis Bible College if they could provide materials for the prisoners. As a result, the people there now have materials to study, books to read and much more... Day 8: Monday, 12.17.2023 Filled with memories and experiences, we made our way back to Colorado on December 17, 2023. Final words…. I would like to thank everyone who made this mission trip possible. It was an eye-opening experience for me. Not only because I had never been to an Indian reservation before, but also because I experienced first-hand the great needs and struggles of the people there. I was able to see people being changed by the gospel. We as a group had the goal of presenting Jesus to the people. Our message was the gospel of the kingdom of God, and not the gospel of salvation, which is part of it. In addition to 10 born-again testimonies, we were also able to celebrate two physical healings and three baptisms. I love how Pastor Bill Johnson describes the difference between the gospel of salvation and the gospel of the kingdom of God. Pastor Bill Johnson: "The gospel of salvation is glorious, but it is just a part of the gospel of the Kingdom. The gospel of salvation is focused on going to heaven. The gospel of the Kingdom is focused on bringing heaven. We have to stop confusing our destination with our assignment." God has and is doing wonderful things through the Foundations for Nations Ministry. I am sure that every one of you who made this trip possible and sent us out will have the same reward in heaven as those of us who were there to serve the people. If you would like to see a few more pictures from our mission trip, you can do so on the Facebook page at Thanks again to everyone who made this possible. The Lord is with us!
- The secret from Costa Rica
Hearing God is one of the most important factors in building a personal relationship with Him. There are no special requirements that qualify us to hear from God. According to Jesus, we only need to be one of His sheep. In other words, to hear God, we only need to be born again. A great benefit of our salvation is to hear God speak to us personally. But despite the simplicity with which we can speak to Him, many Christians find it difficult to hear His voice. That was not the Lord's intention. So how does God speak to us in a world full of noise and distraction? Many Christians are frustrated over this topic, and we used to be one of them. Because of our religious mindset and lack of understanding, we struggled to hear God's voice in the past. We often relied more on someone else - like our pastor, father, friends or spiritual mentor - to be "closer" to God and hear His voice for us. But then a person now serving as a missionary in South America gave us the verse from John 10:27. Although Johann had memorized this verse since childhood, that evening completely changed the direction of our lives. For more than three months, Johann prayed and thought about this verse until it finally clicked, as if a switch had been flipped. Around four years earlier, we began to seek God seriously, ask about Him and open ourselves to His words. John 10:4 says: "When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice." Later in verse 27, John continues: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." Jesus, the last Adam, makes it possible for us to enter into an intimate and personal relationship with God again. When we step out of the first Adam and are born in Christ (born again), we are his sheep. This allows us to hear His voice when we seek Him. In 95% of the time, God speaks to us through His Word. When we need clarity in our walk, we spend a lot of time in His Word and pray in the Spirit. The Bible says that the entrance of His Word gives light and His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:130, 105). Most of the time when we read the Word, we get a " knowing" in our spirit of what we should do. God doesn't usually speak to us in spectacular ways, like through an audible voice, an angel, a dream, a vision or a prophetic word from someone. This has happened at best 5% of the time in our lives. Usually we hear his voice through an inner witness, a silent voice or an inner longing. He has often spoken to us through "rhema verses" from his word. John 10:4 says: "...for they know his voice". This means that every child of God - you and I - can recognize His voice. The bottom line in listening to God is that His voice, no matter how He speaks to us - whether through a dream, a vision, an audible voice, a prophetic word, a "rhema" from the Word, an inner testimony, etc. - is identifiable! Two years after we received the revelation about John 10:27, we went to Costa Rica. We've already shared at length about our time away there. And as you all know, the key to changing our lives was not in the country where it took place, but in the Word of God. For a long time, we didn't understand what exactly happened in Costa Rica that changed our lives so much. But about three weeks ago, almost two years after the experience, our eyes were opened. A guest speaker at our church spoke about Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. The woman returned to her town and told the locals about her experience with Jesus and what He had said to her, after which many became believers (John 4:39). The people believed in Jesus because of the woman's story and testimony and went to see for themselves. Afterwards they said the following: John 4:42 - "They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” Or take the verse from Job 42:5, in which Job says: "I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you;" Ps 34,8 - Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! The key point in Costa Rica was that we heard from God ourselves. That changed our lives! We knew and believed God because of preaching, but we had never heard from Him personally. It is very important that the Word is preached. Because faith comes from hearing the sermon, and the sermon comes from the Word of God. And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? (Rom 10:14) The letter to the Ephesians describes that we have been given the fivefold ministry so that we may be fully equipped. Each of us today still needs the fivefold ministry in order to be equipped for the work of the kingdom of God and to grow into maturity. BUT we don't need the fivefold ministry to have a relationship with God or to hear from Him. We need to reflect on what we have heard and search the Bible for ourselves to see for ourselves whether it is true to what was preached and let it move in our hearts, let the seed sprout. In Joshua chapter 1, God commissions and encourages Joshua as the leader of the people. In verse 8 of the same chapter, God tells Joshua to meditate in the Word day and night so that he will prosper and act wisely. The word "meditate" in Hebrew (hâgâh) means: to moan, growl, utter, muse, mutter, meditate, devise, plot, speak (Strong #H1897) How do we know that we have heard God's voice and not someone else's? When we believe that the Lord speaks to us in some way, we always measure those impressions against what we know about Him. How does what I believe to have heard from Him fit with what I know about His Word, His character and His nature? How does it affect my relationships with others? Is it loving or selfish? Does it bring peace to my heart or confusion? Does it lead to freedom or bondage? These are just some of the factors we use to discern the voices. The only way we can accurately see the things of the Spirit is through the mirror of the Word of God (2 Corinthians 3:18). The Word of God shows us like a mirror who God is, what we have in the Spirit, what Christ does and therefore what our true identity is. The resurrected Jesus, who sits at the right hand of God, is in the realm of the spirit. The words that Jesus spoke are spirit and life (John 6:63). His word was not written down for our brain, but for our heart. It is not about head knowledge but about relational knowledge. Have you seen and tasted how good the Lord is? What do you see Jesus doing? The more we know Him through His Word, the easier it becomes to discern His voice from our feelings or other voices. We can hear and recognize His voice! When we rely on others to hear God for us, we remain babies in our new identity and are hindered in our growth in Christ. There may be moments in life when others hear for us, but this should never become the main thing. It is essential that I and you hear from God personally on a daily basis. We pray that this post will bless you and that you can hear His voice! For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. Romans 8:5 ESV
- Happy new year!
From the bottom of our hearts! And if the start of the new year hasn't felt particularly spectacular for you and you perhaps don't have any great expectations for the new year, then we have something for you. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 ESV Hope and expectation What are you hoping for? What do you expect? Can't you see much to hope for? Do you not have great expectations? If you believe in the God who created the worlds through his word, then you believe in the God with whom all things are possible. (Lk. 1:37) Nothing is too big for him, nothing is too small. Mk. 9:23 (NIV) “If you can?” said Jesus. Everything is possible for one who believes. A word study of the word everything reveals that everything actually means everything. 😉 And faith is basically trust. Trust that God will keep what he has promised. Let hope be awakened in you and go into this year with the expectation that God wants to show himself in your life and that he will show himself magnificently if you let him. All the best Johann and Betty
- Testimonial: Our calling
While we were writing this testimonial, we realized that we had already unconsciously written about it in all our previous blog posts... Do you remember us saying that the calling for our lives will be revealed here in the USA? And that we are to trust God and believe his prophets? And that we believe that the will of God will be revealed in our lives in three stages? And that we have already seen a small part of our future? Yes? Then we'll take you with us on our journey, because something very interesting happened at school on October 19, 2023. If you don't understand what we mean, you can read our previous blog posts to get an idea of what we're talking about. 😉 October 19, 2023 totally changed the direction of our lives. As mentioned earlier, we had already seen a small part of God's will for our lives. This involved just a glimpse of a picture in our hearts with little detail but enough information that we knew what it was about. We didn't share the picture with anyone, just had a few conversations with each other about it and couldn't really put it all together. On October 19, the instructor spoke in class about various things, including the need for more pastors and what it means to serve as a pastor. After he finished this point, the instructor shared a prophecy given by the Spirit to us students. He said that this prophecy is for a person in this room and that it is about the call that person has on their life. He started by saying that the person knows what God's vision for their life is, and expressed it. Part of it was exactly what we had talked about weeks and months before. The prophecy included a vision built on three stages. He clearly described what each stage was about, followed by a few specific details. When he spoke of the last stage, it almost exactly matched the picture we had seen, and the prophecy even extended the picture! And BOOM, Johann's heart was almost beating out of his chest. He knew immediately that this prophecy was for our lives because it was so specifically given. At the end of the prophecy, the instructor said that this person needs to repent (change their thinking) because they don't want to take the first step. And that was true. Because the first step is to be the pastor of a church. Not forever, but for a certain period of time. And that's something we both never wanted to do. We had agreed on this topic for years. Nevertheless, in the weeks before, some of our conversations had gone in the direction of us possibly serving as pastors one day. God had already awakened something in our hearts in this regard. At that moment, Johann had so much going through his mind that he couldn't follow the lessons for the rest of the day. "What just happened here? Surely it can't be? How did he know what we had seen as a picture of our future?" It is clear that we are connected to each other through the Spirit and in Christ and that the Holy Spirit opened this up to the instructor. Once home, Johann told Betty everything that had happened at school. We then replayed the lesson recording and Betty immediately confirmed that this was exactly what we had been talking about for the past weeks and months. We both had our struggles, especially with the first step of being pastors. It made us think for several days. But we decided to be obedient and answered the call. We now see that we have already had encounters with all the prophesied steps in the past. God prepared us years in advance without us understanding it. During our conversations about the vision and prophecy, several events from the last few years came to mind that were already an indication of our calling. At the time, however, we didn't think much of it. For example, Johann recalls these four encounters in the last few months alone where we were associated with the pastor's ministry. When we arrived in the USA, we had to tell customs what our goal was with our studies. "We don't yet know what we're going to do after our studies," said Johann. The official then said: "I have to enter something into the system. You have to give me an answer." We both looked at each other, wondering what we should say. As this took a while and he realized that we were a bit overwhelmed by the question, he said: "Shall I enter Pastor? Is that ok with you?" We simply confirmed, but didn't think anything else of it. The second encounter was in the first week of school. During the long break, when Johann went for a walk around the lake, two female students (about 55 years old) approached Johann and one of them asked: "Are you a pastor?". "No," said Johann. He realized that she didn't like this answer or at least expected a different answer. "I was a youth leader before I came to school here," Johann then said. The woman nodded, but the disheartened look remained. As the woman looked sad, Johann asked if he could pray for a specific request. She then told him that her best friend had just died and that she would be glad of a prayer. The third time was when Johann had given his second short sermon at the school. The leader said in the feedback session: "You could be a pastor or at least serve in a ministry role." One of the last encounters was a few days before the prophecy. Johann took one of our roommates to the airport in Denver because she was flying home for a few days. During the 1.5 hour drive, she surprisingly asked if Johann could imagine being a pastor. We do not yet know how, where and when we will start. God knows when the time will come. It is not a problem for us should it take several years before we enter into our vision or calling. Because there are always two steps before you enter into God's will for your life: Calling and Separation [see definition at the bottom] (being set apart from or set apart to something, set apart for a purpose). And both of these things were put into us by grace before we were born. The time between the calling and the separation can be short or long. The calling can be recognized and accepted, but the separation or fulfillment of the calling has not yet occurred. Both come from God. The Bible gives us several examples where this principle can be seen. For example, after Paul was called, he was allowed or rather had to wait more than 14 years before he entered into his calling. Joseph waited and persevered for over 13 years until the vision given by God was fulfilled. Elisha ran along with Elijah for 10 years after his call before he then took over Elijah's ministry and so on. But what about the time between God's call and the separation? Between calling and separation there is another huge key to the kingdom of God: faithfulness. No one in the business world or in church starts at the top. Faithfulness is proven at the bottom when we work or serve for someone else. How can we expect to be set above much if we are not faithful in the little things? Faithfulness is not something that can be taught or instilled by someone else. It is something you choose to do or not to do. And the Bible gives us several areas in which faithfulness is shown in life: Acceptance and submission to appointed authorities, stewardship of money, stewardship of things that don't belong to us, etc. One of God's greatest attributes is his faithfulness: our Father is often described as faithful in the Bible, and Jesus Christ is described as faithful before he is called true! What about qualification? We are not suggesting that qualifications or the pursuit of a degree is bad. But qualifications and character must be built on a foundation of faithfulness. Degrees of any kind will open some doors. We too are getting a degree, which will certainly open doors for us. But we have decided that until we are separated, we will not try to open or break down any doors. The doors that God opens cannot be opened for us by any person or degree, nor can they be closed again. We stir the vision we have received in our hearts and pray that the image will continue to unravel. But as we wrote in the last blog post, the vision is not our focus or our heartbeat. Our overall vision - to know God - is and remains our heartbeat and focus, even if we have stepped into our received calling. Definition Albert Barnes: Separated - The word translated “separated unto,” ἀφορίζω aphorizō, means to designate, to mark out by fixed limits, to bound as a field, etc. It denotes those who are “separated,” or called out from the common mass; Act_19:9; 2Co_6:17. The meaning here does not materially differ from the expression, “called to be an apostle,” except that perhaps this includes the notion of the purpose or designation of God to this work. Thus, Paul uses the same word respecting himself; Gal_1:15, “God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace,” that is, God designated me; marked me out; or designed that I should be an apostle from my infancy. In the same way Jeremiah was designated to be a prophet; Jer_1:5.
- Update Wyoming #3
Fully funded Dear friends One more time, THANK YOU for your generous donations and prayers. God has given in abundance! We have now received $3400 of the $2500 goal, which is 136% more than needed. The overflow will be donated to Charis Bible College's general missions budget. As important as finances are, I appreciate your prayers - not only for me personally, but for the work of our entire team in Wyoming. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to enter into open doors and spread the good news. I mentioned in the initial blog post that God had put it on my heart to believe for another student's fund. Logan is currently at $1950, so if you would like to support Logan, you can do so here: My prayer is that every seed you sow flows back into the kingdom of God. Thank you again for your prayers and financial support! See you in the next blog post! - Johann 😉
- Vision, we need a vision…!?
Are you seeking God's will for your life? If yes - then you are not alone. It seems that many people, regardless of nation, language, gender or age, are looking for the answer to this question. They have a longing to find and fulfill God's will for their lives. It is something that was put into every human being before birth and is waiting to be discovered. After God spoke to Johann in early 2022 that we should stop serving as youth leaders immediately, we were initially confused. We had just returned from Costa Rica, had both discovered the gospel in a way we never had before and were on fire to share our revelations. We had never sought to stop this ministry. Rather the opposite. At first we thought that this could not have been God's voice. However, after the same call came again and that already replacements were being prepared, we were ready to stop occupying the place of the called ones. Afraid of the reaction of quitting so abruptly and also simply lacking trust in God's plan, we put our own timeline into God's order. This led to many unnecessary problems and misunderstandings. It was evident to us that God had taken us out of the ministry because He had prepared something else. And we want to live in the will of God. That's how we ended up in Woodland Park, USA. In this blog post, we'll take you through a part of how God prepared us for our future calling. «If identity in Christ is our goal and not the vision or calling God has for us, and our motivation is to love people before we do «jobs» for God, we can build a lifestyle that is rewarding and fulfilling to find God's will for our lives.» We realized that in the past we were more concerned with what God's vision is for our lives than with our identity in Christ. Thus, we were always looking for a ministry or task that would fulfill us. It was also veiled from us for a long time that the purpose for which we were created and the vision or calling for our lives are two different things. To fulfill God's call for our lives, we must first understand God's purpose for us. Every created thing and every word of God has a divine purpose. When that purpose is understood, we can cooperate with it for our benefit. If we do not understand the purpose of a thing, we misuse it or lose its usefulness. Motivated by performance, we cannot do anything to prove something to ourselves, get something from God or earn God's love. God is not primarily interested in us doing tasks or services for Him. God, our Creator, is our husband (Isaiah 54:5) who loves us and He is not a slave master, scientist or someone who experiments on us. It is His desire to give His bride (His church or body) more than enough - an abundance that surpasses anything His bride could ever ask or even imagine asking for. Not because we serve Him through tasks or ministries or because we please Him with our obedience, but solely because He loves you and me unconditionally and loves to care for us. Because He wants to have a relationship with us. It is a relationship that is not based on works, but on love! This is also the difference with religions, among other things. Religion will never allow us to get to a place where we are constantly well or where it will ever be enough. Christ made a perfect sacrifice for us so that we can come back into a relationship with Him and rest in HIM. If we truly understood what Jesus did on the cross and that He changed everything with His death and resurrection, that understanding would transform our lives. When God sent Jesus into the world, it was so that we could have eternal life (John 3:16). And this doesn't just mean that we will have eternal life after our physical death, but that we will be drawn into a deep and intimate relationship with Him. «And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. Joh 17,: (ESV)» Here we are talking about the fact that eternal life consists of knowing the Father, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent. Because according to the Bible, relationships are primarily about giving and not receiving. In our relationship with God, He has already given everything and we respond in faith. David asked God a question in Psalm 8:3-7 and received also an answer. Mankind was created just a little lower than God. According to David, God sees a glorious, majestic, worthy, valuable human being living on this planet to rule with compassion over all of His creation. God created us for His pleasure and to give us His kingdom. In the new covenant we are a child of God through and in Christ and through that we can know God. This in turn means that if you are born again and live a grateful life in reverence for God, your destiny is fulfilled! Out of this purpose and identity, we are equipped, empowered and free to follow our calling as a new creation and not as an obligation we must fulfill for God. If we live out of our identity in HIM, we will align our decisions and our lives according to who we are and not according to what we should do! Finding God's calling on one's life puts many Jesus followers on the path to burnout. Many people experience guilt, shame and confusion because they don't know what the true meaning of God's purpose for them is. Calling is not something we achieve, it is more a part of who we are. The more we are rooted in our new creation identity as an adopted child of God, the better we will hear, obey and follow God more than we can ever imagine. Talent is not the basis for our calling - nor is it based on our performance, qualifications or what we are good at. The purpose of our life is to know and love God. And then we can love people because God's love will overflow in our lives. When we understand God's heart and purpose for our existence, we can be at rest in HIM at all times. From there, we are then free to willingly participate in the callings God has for us. Over the last few years, we have also learned that it is dangerous when the vision or calling from God becomes the heartbeat for the ministry that is being carried out. Sooner or later, when we face obstacles, this leads to great difficulties and identity crises in our lives. If we only burn for God because we are doing a service for HIM, we have missed the real and important point. Service for HIM does not determine our value. Don't get us wrong here, vision is an important part of ministry or business, but it is not the heartbeat. The heartbeat of the vision comes from your and my personal and intimate relationship with God. And that's super important as God has been speaking to us specifically over the last year and a half. What does it mean to fulfill a ministry? Ministry is our relationship to and with God that leads to an abundance that impacts others. Overflow is when your heart has been transformed into God's heart (Ps. 37:4) Your vision or calling will be this overflow The overflow will look different for each individual No one's overflow is more important than someone else's The fulfillment of our calling is the fruit of our new creation identity in Christ. If all believers, with their own unique callings and roles, live out their identity in Christ, the world will see a healthy Christian body. Do not feel left out here if you do not yet have a clear revelation about your calling: A calling becomes visible in lots of different dimensions. There is so much more to this subject. As already mentioned, this short blog post is just intended to lay the foundation for our second testimonial. Because on October 19, 2023, we received confirmation of our vision or calling for our life as a family. See you in the next blog post. 😉